MOS (A Paradox)

A dystopian saga in which most – if not all – of the characters could be considered to be (maybe functioning) sociopaths. Set in a distorted world where cannibalism, human trafficking, murder, prostitution, tyranny, and the occasional terrorist attack is an accepted reality in daily life.

Valene Connors lived a simple life with her older brother and her younger twin siblings. Life was a comfortable routine: get up, get dressed, eat breakfast, complete the household chores, go to the market and sell the occasional game, go down to the Basement and torment some poor souls, go home, make dinner, lace the food with poison, eat supper with the family, and go to bed. Occasionally, she would concoct a new kind of toxin with the help of her younger sister.

All in all, it was a pleasantly boring existence. Sometimes, Marshal would have a new shop assistant they could torture.

In the world where Plebs and Aristos could not co-exist, and where the mere sight of an Aristo could have the effect of an impromptu formation of a lynching mob, Valene did not expect to literally crash into one in the middle of a Plebeian village. Neither did she expect to have to take her home.

Why did that girl have to show up now of all times? Any other time, Valene wouldn’t have hesitated to just leave her to freeze to death in the snow. Now she has to make sure their little guest won’t bring them any unwanted attention from those government dogs!


If only that girl had just gotten lynched in town. Then they wouldn’t have had to worry about her.

Book 1

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

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A cabin in the woods…